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Comparison or Contrast Essay

Comparison or Contrast Essay

Q Comparison-Contrast Essay • Write a 500- to 750-word essay using comparison and contrast as the chief method of development. • Use your own thoughts, observations, and/or experiences as the sources for this essay. • Do not incorporate content from any websites, books, etc. No research is allowed and will result in grade penalties if present. Writing Assignment Purpose: to inform, persuade, or clarify Method of Development: comparison-contrast Choose your own topic, but make sure that the topic allows you to be able to compare/contrast it. A compare/contrast essay should be written in third person point of view, unless including a personal anecdote as an example. You want your essay to have a point as well. Do you want to demonstrate that one thing is better than another? Do you want to demonstrate that two things that people believe to be the same are actually different? Or, do you want to demonstrate that two things that people believe to be different are actually the same? If you have something in mind but you are unsure if it will work as a compare/contrast essay topic, please send me a message through the Messages link for assistance. Reminders 1. Brainstorm for topics. 2. Organize your ideas. 3. Check the syllabus for due date. Important: Your paper will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign or similar third parties to review and evaluate for originality and intellectual integrity. Plagiarized papers, whether intentional or simply due to ignorance will receive a total grade of zero. Read the following information on plagiarism. Submission Instructions Complete your assignment using word-processing software such as Microsoft Word (download free software at or LibreOffice (download free software at Save your file as a .doc or .docx file to ensure that it can be opened at any computer. Submit your assignment by selecting the "Compare/Contrast Essay" title link, browsing to, and attaching your saved file. Make sure to select SUBMIT. You may view your posting both on this page and under My Grade (available under Tools).

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